Random SSIS Advice: Limit using data flow tasks that sort, union, join

When using a Data Flow Task in Integration Services, try to avoid data manipulations such as unions, sorts and joins using data flow tasks. Try to include all join, sort and union operations within your source queries itself. This way, you can do away with run-time issues that crop up when running your package with large amounts of data. Usually various memory restriction errors.

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Case-sensitive Querying in SQL Server

Case Sensitive Queries in SQL Server

Can you filter/sort/manipulate SQL Server data in a case sensitive manner? The answer is of course, yes. But first, let me brief you as to why this is a question at all.

SQL Server, like most database systems have a collation setting, which by default is case insensitive. Most of us are quite used to SQL Server with this setting (for some of us subconsciously it has been set in our heads that SQL Server is case insensitive). True to that, most applications that we develop usually also do not demand case sensitivity. The dilemma occurs when suddenly there’s a requirement to perform a case sensitive filter on a table, or perhaps retrieve unique records taking case sensitivity into consideration.

Continue reading Case-sensitive Querying in SQL Server