[Presentation] Business Intelligence and Data Analytics on the Microsoft Platform

This is a presentation that I delivered to the Microsoft Student Champs community in Sri Lanka on the 13th of March, 2015. The presentation provides an overview of what business intelligence and data analytics are and what Microsoft offers as tools. The presentation is meant to serve as a starting point for those interested in the subject, and who would like to learn more.

So, if there is anyone interested, please comment in the comment section about what you would like to know, and I might just write a post to explain… 🙂

Getting Started with Business Intelligence on the Microsoft Platform

I was invited to the monthly Microsoft Student Partner meet-up last Friday, and I was excited to be speaking to an all-student audience after a long time. I had checked with the organizers about the audience’s know-how of business intelligence, and was told that it was something new to them. So, I decided to talk about Business Intelligence and Data Analytics on the Microsoft platform.

Now, 5 years ago, this subject would have been much easier to talk about. However, in recent times, the space of business intelligence and data analytics has changed much. Even within the Microsoft space of BI there is a lot to look at, and if you are new in the field, getting started is going to be quite a tough little challenge. With this in mind I built a little slide-deck, and a simple demo that I hoped would wow, or at least give them a moment’s awe, and waltzed into the auditorium.

Continue reading Getting Started with Business Intelligence on the Microsoft Platform